ark::nonseekable_fd class

An io object, denotes a non lseek()-able fd as defined in kernel.

Base classes

class with_async_context
able to bound to an async_context

Derived classes

class event_fd
wraps fildes created by eventfd(2) as an io object
class acceptor
special io object available to bond, listen, and accept ark::net::tcp::socket from
class socket
denotes a tcp socket
class pipe_fd
wraps fildes created by pipe2(2) as an io object

Public static variables

static bool seekable constexpr

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

nonseekable_fd() protected noexcept
constructs an empty nonseekable_fd
nonseekable_fd(int fd_int) protected noexcept
constructs an nonseekable_fd with fildes fd_int

Public functions

auto close() -> result<void> noexcept
call close() on the fd
auto get() const -> int noexcept
returns the int fildes

Function documentation

result<void> ark::nonseekable_fd::close() noexcept

call close() on the fd

if the object is empty, the operation succeeds.